Books I have Written

I have published and sold books in five different genres, all of which are listed below.

Autobiographies | Short Stories | Childrens Books | Fantasy | Essays


Quite by accident I have ended up writing three autobiographies. All of which will royally entertain you. Click here to discover more

Short Stories

Short stories was the genre in which I first really became SERIOUS about writing. In the beginning, coming up with an outline was challenging. However, before long, I was overwhelmed with them. Here are a few of my more popular titles. Click here to discover more…

Childrens Books

Writing for children was a sheer pleasure. I tried to put a moral in all of my tales. This is another genre I’m very comfortable writing for. Click here to see my books…


I’m not so sure why I waited so long to begin writing fantasy because from my point of view it’s exceptionally enjoyable. I’m also using AI (artificial intelligence) to illustrate my books. I am not sure which is the most fun? Just click here to discover more…


I don’t think I have ever written one purposely. Generally, my essays begin their life as a short moan or groan which I write in my daily journal. Then I get the bit between my teeth and keep going as the narrative expands. Click here if you want a good laugh…

Self Development and Motivation

I have always enjoyed motivational speaking and writing and pland to do more of it in the future.

Click here to discover more…