Kevin Nairne

✒️Welcome, and thanks for visiting I’m Kevin, <div id="cbox-oGCrjvz8j7EF9Zxr"></div>

After 55 years of writing a daily journal by hand, my wife Tess aka (the Dragon Lady) eventually nagged me into changing mediums and giving those with too much spare 🕙 time on their hands a giggle.

If you enjoy a dry and strange sense of 🤣humour, then this may just be for you. I have an unusual way of looking at things. I write books, a daily journal and now this blog about what unfolds in front of me.

I’ll be glad to keep you 📧updated, and also informed of the books, stories and special reports I write. I have written in many genres while exploring what I like writing the most.

Last year while sitting on a ✈️plane, out of the blue, and for no particular reason, I became inspired to write modern fantasy.

This year, 2024 I’m concentrating on mastering ✍️articles and blog writing.

I’m a highly mercurial and emotional individual, so you can expect my articles to be heavily peppered with syterical moans, sarcastic groans and unusual observations, and now you understand where I derived the blog title.

Like the birds I migrate

This is to avoid the colder and darker months of northern european.

If I was an animal it probally would be a 🦎lizard, because when the sun shines I run out to let it warm me. In the sun and warmth I am createive, when it’s cold I hug the radiator and sit close to the 🔥 fire.

In mid September, and after 4 months I leave my beachside home in the West Country of the UK and ✈️head towards south east Asia.

In my case, to my main home (also by the sea) in the southern Visayan island of Cebu in the lovely 🌞sunny Philippines where I spend 8 months of my year. Here I lead a very different lifestyle in the warmth looking out on to a tropical sea.

About me

I was born in the July 1956 and only the ONLY thing which changed for me when I retired was I drew a pension. I ❤️love EVERYTHING about my life, including my daily work and writing.

I 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨married a lovely Filipina called Tess, who I generally refer to as the Dragon Lady, who in her own way is as different as me. She could start an argument in an empty house. For that reason, we constantly argue and bicker with each other. Despite that we seem to be a wonderful match.

When I was younger, most people described me as strange, different, and unusual.

Perhaps I am. A job has never been for me. I decided to generate my income ONLY by doing the things I enjoy doing, and which make me happy. Neither did I want to trade my time for money.

It’s too valuable for that. These are the principles by which I have lived my life. You’ll discover many more strange facts about me from my weekly newsletter.

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  • My weekly newsletter.

  • Access to my longer articles, essays, and short stories.

  • Notification of my notes, which are the name for shorter articles and quick notes which I write more frequently.

  • You also be open to comment.

  • Join all the conversations.

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MG&O is the home of my writing, books, essays, and weekly newsletter. I write about what I see unfolding in front of me and covers a multitude of topics. I find the humour of most situation and look at things differently to most people.


I enjoying every moment of my retirement, and daily, I spend a few hours writing, my journal, blogs and modern fantasy stories. If you decide to try me by joining my email list, I promise to keep you entertained.